文件准备-白墨印刷 废弃
Print-ready artwork submitted to DomeTag should include the cut line on its own layer. The cut layer should be labeled “Cut Line” with the stroke thickness set to 1 pt. and the color 100% magenta.
White ink printing is available to add white text or design elements when using a metallic or clear base print layer or it can be printed beneath another color to give a non-metallic, opaque look. If your label requires white ink printing, it is important to place the white ink elements on a separate layer in the Adobe Illustrator file.
Setting up a white ink layer in Adobe Illustrator:
- In Adobe Illustrator, create a new layer that will contain the white portions of your design. This layer should be named “White.”
- Once this layer is in place, create a new color swatch. Start by clicking on “Window,” then “Color,” then “Swatches.” The Swatch Palette will then appear.
- Click in the upper right-hand corner of the Swatch Palette and select “Add New Color.”
- Use the Color Type drop-down menu to select “Spot.” Change the Swatch Name to “White,” with the W capitalized. Click “OK.”
- On the White layer, with the White color, fill in the objects that you would like to have colored white, or, if you want white to be printed behind a design element, trace the shape you will need.
NOTE: The above steps should only be used if White does not already exist.